
Friday, June 19, 2020

Learn How to Create a Website in 15 Minutes - Complete Guide

Learn How to Create a Website in 15 Minutes - Complete Guide

Are you one of those who wants to earn extra bucks online, but don’t have a website?
Do you know you can create your own website like a professional by yourself even without coding knowledge? Surprise!
In this Complete Guide you will learn how to create a stunning website in less than 15 minutes, through a simple step by step, in a very simple and quick way.

Keep reading the article until the end and learn everything you need to know about creating your websites and more.

Why Create a Website?
Having a website is very important for anyone who is building an online business.
It is through a website that you will be able to attract your future customers and, thus, increase the chances of success of your venture.

After all, you need to have a website for your business to be found, right?
Making money on internet seldom succeed, without having your own website and / or blog.

In addition, you can use your website to create the content you want on the topic you choose, as long as it is related to your niche market.

The Importance of Creating a Website
Many entrepreneurs prefer to create just one fan page on Facebook and, of course, you can also choose this option, but having your business's main web address on a platform that belongs to third parties may not be a good idea.

After all, Facebook has its own rules, which limits its possibilities and, in addition, if you do not follow the rules to the letter you could be penalized and lose everything you have built. I'm sure you don't want that, right?

Creating your own website allows you more freedom to create the content you want, publish what you find interesting for your target audience and not be banned, as the website will be yours and, consequently, the rules too.

And while it is important to be on social media, creating your own website will help you to reach your own audience.

With a website you reach the ideal audience and can maintain a relationship with the audience that is already a customer.

You can use your website to expose your products or services and talk about your brand and your company's values, so that visitors know what you are offering them.

Define What you Want When Creating a Website
Before you know how to create a website, you need to know exactly what you expect from it, as the category of your website will depend on it.

If you want to know how to create a website because you want to sell physical products and, with that, you need to create a website that allows financial transactions, you need to create an E-commerce.

Now, if you want to learn how to create a website to share your photos, giving travel tips, for example, it is advisable that you create a blog.

A blog works like a digital magazine in which you can publish your content whenever you want and still allows visitors to engage.

With a blog you can publish images, articles, infographics, tips about your niche market, etc., in a constant and open way to your target audience.

But, if you have a company that provides services or want to learn how to create a website to publish news, for example, you can create an institutional website.

An institutional website is different from a blog, as it does not have the need to publish content with such consistency.

A website serves to convey important information about a company, such as mission, values, means of contacting, product prices, etc.

How to Create a Website 
In the past this would have been almost impossible and cost puzzle due to technicalities involved, but today you can create your own website without the help of an expert on the subject.

If you have any knowledge in this area, you will know how to create a website more easily, but I will show you that, to start, it is not necessary to be an expert.
You will see that you can create your website and start promoting your products or services and, if you find it necessary, with the growth of your business you can hire a professional in the area to improve your website or even specialize through courses.

Step By Step to Create a Website
As you have noticed, having a website is essential to attract customers to your business.

Today you will find several paid and free tools available on the internet that allow you to create your own website yourself.

Now see the step by step how to create a website. Check out!

Step # 1 Choose a domain
When you are going to create a website the first thing you need to do is register a domain, ie your website address (URL).

The domain is the name of your website, which people will type into their browser, as you can see in the example below.

Before choosing a domain for your website you need to check if the chosen name is already in use.

To know this information and register the chosen domain, just access the Hostgator website and search for the name you chose.

If the chosen name is already in use, Hostgator suggests other options.

But, if the domain is available, you can register it and guarantee the name of your website.

To do this, just click on “Register” and fill in the fields with the requested information to purchase the domain. Click to Sign up for free.

Important Domain Registration Information
Many people do not know, but there are several categories of domain, although the most common are " .com " and " " (in Nigeria).

The vast majority of people prefer to use the most common categories, but you can use a more specific category for your type of business.

For example, " .gov " is a specific category for government-related sites, " .edu " is for education-related sites, " .org " is a specific category for sites related to non-governmental organizations, etc.

Another important information that you need to know is regarding domains that are already registered.

If you are very interested in obtaining that domain that already has a registration, you can locate the owner and try to purchase the registration. But my advice is to choose a domain that is available.

You can also register a domain and then hire a hosting or hire both together.

Step # 2 Choose Your Website Name
As you saw in step 1, the site name is the domain, the URL that visitors will type into their browser.

But, in this step, I will help you choose that name, so that your website is easily found and remembered by your target audience.

Before choosing a name for your website, you need to consider a few things:

·        Choose a short name:
Choose a short name that shows you what your website is about.
A short name is easier to remember, which makes it easier when searching.
And, let's face it, “” wouldn't work very well, would it?

·        Choose a memorable name:
Just remember your favorite sites and you will undoubtedly remember the URL of each one.

An easy-to-remember name tends to stay in your mind, and with that in mind, you can choose a memorable name so your target audience doesn't have to work hard to remember it when typing.

·        Choose an easy-to-type name:
Avoid the mistake of choosing a complex name for your website, with mixed letters, numbers and symbols.
Names like this are difficult to remember and people usually make mistakes when typing, causing inconvenience and sometimes, because they can't find them, people end up giving up the search.

·        Choose an original name:
Try not to choose a name very similar to any website that already exists and, especially, if that website is already well known.
This is a mistake that a lot of people make and do not take very well to the image that you probably want to pass.

Step # 3 Choose a Hosting
It is in the hosting that all your website files, images, pages, etc., are stored to be accessed by visitors.

The hosting is what will put your site up and keep working.

When a person enters your domain (URL) in the browser, they will be directed to the server hosting your files, where they can access them.

On the internet you can find different hosting options, free or paid, but you need to be aware that free options have restrictions and are unstable.

But you are free to choose the hosting according to your reality.

However, it is worth investing in a paid hosting server, as paid servers generally offer more affordable options, such as Hostgator, which offers plans starting at $2.75 per month.

The Hostgator is a very complete hosting which I myself use on various projects and never had any problems and point, because in addition to plans affordable for beginners, is a reliable server and one of the most used today, with price well below several that exist in the market, besides offering an excellent support.

You can search and find on Google some companies cheaper than this, but I do not recommend it, because your website is something important and you should not leave all your work in a company that is not safe.
The Hostgator makes both services to your site, both the domain registration as the hosting.

There are companies only for domain registration and others, only for hosting.
You can choose to do it that way, but I recommend that you do everything in one company, as it is the most practical and fastest way.

How to Hire a Hosting
The first thing you need to do to hire a host is to know the plans.

After you choose a plan and, if you have not yet registered your domain on another server, you can search for the name you have chosen and, if available, register and contract hosting in one place.

If you have already registered your website domain with another company, you click on the option “I will use an existing domain”.

After you set your website domain, click on “add” and then confirm the plan you have chosen or change to another one that you think is most suitable for you.

Fill in the Payment Details

You can choose additional security items.

Review all the details and complete your purchase.

When you click on “check out” you will receive some emails informing you that your site has been registered, etc.

The e-mail you need to build your website is the one that will come to you with the subject: “Access data for your plan”.

Just click on this email and you will be directed to a Hostgator page where you will find all the registration data for your website.

Everything you need to build your website will be in that email they send you.
When you access the cPanel with a username and password, a blank screen or a Hostgator screen will appear.

This means that everything is fine, that your website is already working.
This process can take a few hours, so don't worry, as this is normal.

After this waiting time has passed, you will type in your browser the name of your website with the end “/cpanel”. For example: “”.

CPanel is the general panel of your website, where you will start building and managing your website.

You will copy the cPanel username and password, which arrived there in your email, to login to your cPanel.

From there you will open a panel with many icons, but don't worry, as you will only need two things, basically:
E-mail (to create e-mail accounts);
For example:
Software (to install WordPress and build your website).

Step # 4 Install WordPress
For you to start building your website and make it the way you want it, with the look of your company, placing images, text, colors, logo, affiliate banner, etc., it is necessary to install a website builder.

Currently there are several website builders to make life easier for anyone who needs to create a website and is a layman on the subject.

These builders already have themes ready for you to choose what has more to do with your business, in addition to the various features.

The most used website builder in the world is WordPress, which is free, very easy to install and totally intuitive, which allows the user to configure their entire site with the look of their company, in a very simplified way.

Well, to start, you accessed your website “” (fictitious example), put your username and password and accessed cPanel.

You will notice that the terms are in English, but you will not have any difficulty, as it is all very intuitive.

Now, you scroll down and click on "Software" and then click on “”. After that, it will open a screen with some options, asking what you want to install. You will click on the options "WordPress" and "install".

Now you delete the Directory (see the image below) and then write the name of your website and a short description about it.

Then you will enter a username and password for you to access your website, in addition to your email.

Select the language for your administrative panel.

You do not need to modify anything in the next options. Just click on “Install” at the bottom of the page.

Wait a few seconds and then a message will appear on the screen, confirming the installation of WordPress.

Now you can enter your website address in the browser and you will see that it is no longer blank.

How to Manage Your Site
After you have installed WordPress, from now on you will use it as follows:
First you will type in the name of your website, with the end “/wp-admin” in your browser;

Fill in the fields with the username and password you created and then click on "login";

After that, it will open the WordPress control panel for you to configure your website.

It is in this panel that you will manage the appearance and content of your website.

It is in “Appearance” that you will configure how you want your site to appear to visitors.

WordPress dominates the construction of websites and, currently, 98% of the websites I know are built through it.

Step # 5 Install a Theme
By default, WordPress already comes with three themes installed, but you can choose from thousands of themes, free or paid.

After choosing the ideal theme for your website, click "Activate" and "Update". Your website will look like the theme you have chosen.

Each chosen theme will show some settings, within the "Appearance" options, as you can see in the image.

After clicking on "About" (plus the name of the chosen theme), you will see some options for customizing your site.

And to change the colors, logo and many other things of the appearance of your website, still in "Presentation", you will click on "Personalize".

Clicking on "Personalize" will open the theme with the options to customize on the left. Just click where you want to customize and fill it out the way you want.

Note: Each theme has different options for you to customize your site.

WordPress has a huge community of contributors and, therefore, has a huge variety of themes, paid and free, for you to put on your site.

Step # 6 Create Content
After you've customized the look of your website, it's time to add the content. For this, you have two ways:
How to Create WordPress Pages With Hierarchy and Templates

1 - Through pages: Create a page that corresponds to each section of your site.
What is the Difference Between Posts vs. Pages in WordPress

2 - Through Post: You can create the content as you wish. You can write text, add images, links, etc. and then click on “Publish”.

Tips For Creating Pages And Posts For The Site
Ø Define a general title for the content you will publish on your website;
Ø Write the content of the page or post by distributing titles and subtitles, so that it is scannable (which facilitates reading and understanding);
Ø Format the text of your page or post using the toolbar;
Ø Add images to your post or page;
Ø Write the text of each title and subtitle in a coherent manner;
Ø Finally, review all content before publishing.

Extra tips:
§  Avoid using very technical terms and elaborate words if your site is about a very complex niche and your target audience is a beginner;
§  If you need to use technical terms, explain each one in a very simple and easy to understand way;
§  Create relevant content, rich in useful information for your target audience.
§  Page or post settings
Next to the content you create for your post or the pages of your website you will find the following configuration options:

ü In the option “Publish” you can choose:
ü Immediately publish the content you have created;
ü Save to draft;
ü Preview your content before publishing it;
ü Change the visibility and status of your post.

In "Format" you will choose whether to publish the content in standard format, note, image, video, link, audio, gallery, etc.
In this option you will assign a category to your post or page.
To create a new category, just click on “Add New Category”.

You can add tags to your posts.
Featured image
You can use this option to highlight a main image for your content.

How to create a static page for your website
If you want to create a static page as the homepage of your website and, with that, to make that page receive more traffic, just follow the step by step below:
In the WordPress menu click on "Pages";
1.      Click on “Add new page”;
2.    Write a title for your page. Generally, websites have the title "Home" for the static page;
3.    Modify the appearance of your page in the panel box, if the theme you chose has this function;
4.    Add the content you want to be on your static page and click "Publish";
5.     Click on "Settings" and then click on "Read";
6.    Click on “Static page” and then select “Home”;
7.     To finish, click on “Save changes”.

How To Create Images For Your Posts 
Using images in your posts is very important, as they make your content more attractive and easier to consume.

When you create your website , you need to think about the entire website process.

To help you create images for your posts I will leave some tips here below. Check out!

Get inspired by professional images from specialized sites (or even sites in the same niche as yours) to create your own photos;

Create illustrations for your posts. Illustrations make your content more dynamic and fun;

Use a professional camera or a smartphone with a camera that has a good resolution;

Take images with focus and make sure they are well framed;

If you are going to take your images in a closed environment, use a soft box or the flashlight of another cell phone to have good lighting;

If taking pictures outdoors, try to do this in the early hours of the morning or in the late afternoon, when the light favors the images;

You can also use good software to improve your images;

The last tip I give is to never use third party images without authorization, as this can cause you a huge headache in the future because of copyright.

I believe that the best way to find free images for your blog is to create your own images.

But, for that, you must be aware that your images need to have quality, to pass professionalism.

Even if you don't have a professional camera, you can still use your smartphone, if your camera has a good resolution.

But, if you are going to use images that are not yours, do a search on sites that provide images for free and that do not require reference.

Free images
Today it is very easy to find good images to use for free on your website.
Several specialized websites provide a huge bank of images that you can download and use in your posts.

Below you will see the suggestion of 4 free image banks for you to use on your website.

# 1 - Pixabay

Pixabay is one of the  most used free image sites in the world.
In it you find great images, free of copyright, for you to use in your posts.

# 2 - Pexels

Pexels also provides quality images, free of charge, for you to use on its website.

# 3 - Iso Republic

Iso Republic has great images. You can choose photos by category or search for the theme you want.

# 4 - Imcreator

Imcreator has an image bank with web designer resources. It also provides templates and icons for you to edit as you wish.

Step # 7 Install Plugins
Today there are a plethora of plugins for you to install on your WordPress and you can choose the ones that have the best features for your website.

Hundreds of these plugins are free and have several features, such as:
1.      Share buttons for social media;
2.    Image galleries;
3.    Safety and performance;
4.    Antispam with filter for comments;
5.     Website optimization for search engines;
6.    Reduction of loading time, etc.

The plugins will facilitate your work of building and developing your website.

With plugins you will not need to change settings or write code on your website.

Installing plugins on your website is very easy. Check it out below.

How to Install a Plugin in WordPress
To install plugins on your website just follow the steps below:
# 1 - Go to your WordPress menu, which is located on the left side of the screen, and click on "Plugins";
# 2 - Then click on “Add new”;
# 3 - If you prefer (and know the name of the plugin you want to install), just go to the top right corner and type in the keyword or name of the plugin you want and search;
# 4 - When you find the desired plugin, click on “Install now”;
# 5 - After you finish installing the plugin, click "Activate".
Ready! Now just do the same whenever you want to install a new plugin on your WordPress .

Step # 8 Promote Your Website
After you create your website, add content and make everything look like your business, it's time to promote your website.
There is no point in creating an impeccable website if nobody is going to access it, is it? So, use strategies to promote your website and attract visitors.

Here Are Some Ways To Promote Your Site:
Social networks: Share your website's posts on social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter…

Create a profile or page exclusively to advertise your website;

Comments: Leave comments on websites and blogs that are related to your niche, always leaving the link of your website so that the audience of that website or blog can get to know your website;

Participate in discussion forums: take part in discussion forums for your niche and take the opportunity to leave the link on your site.

These forums are great for promoting your website and attracting visitors.

Step # 9 Attract People to Your Site
A great way to attract traffic to your website is through quality content.
Attracting traffic to your website increases your chances of generating customers and, consequently, generating revenue.

To attract a good volume of visits to your website you can create and publish relevant and information-rich content for your target audience, consistently.

That way, your website will generate revenue progressively.

Therefore, create quality content through strategies, organization and planning.

To help you organize the creation of your website content, I will list some tips. Check it out below.

Create a Calendar for Publications
Create a calendar to publish your blog articles in a consistent and organized manner.

You can create a section for each type of content, with a specific date and time to publish.

Draw up Guidelines
Preparing guidelines for your publications will help you keep your website organized and well structured, facilitating your work and leaving your website with a more professional look.

Create Content for a Person
You must have read many times on blog what it is and how important it is to define the person of your business.

You need to create your content for that person, which is the ideal customer profile that you seek for your business.

So, try to adapt your content to this person and attract exactly the audience that will be interested in what you promote on your site.

Another very efficient way to attract traffic to your website is through search engine optimization (SEO), which is what you will see in the next topic.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of very efficient strategies to attract quality traffic to your website.

It is through SEO strategies that your site can be well rated by Google and well positioned on search engine pages.

In order for you to better understand how SEO can help you optimize your website, I will leave you with 4 SEO strategies that will put your website in the top positions of search engines.

# 1 - URL
As you saw at the beginning of this article, the URL is your website address. It is the URL that appears in the search results, as you can see in the image below.
Always use the main keyword in the URL.

# 2 - Keyword
The keyword is very important to position your website on the first pages of Google.

It is through keywords that search engines will identify the subject that your content is about.

Create your content focused on the keyword that your audience is already searching for, so you will attract more traffic to your site and, consequently, future customers.

# 3 - Title
The title is another important item when using SEO strategies.

Do not write too long a title and use the main keyword as well as the URL.

The title appears in the browser tab when the visitor clicks on your link and it is highlighted in search engine results.

# 4 - Links
Links are also essential for a good SEO strategy, because the more links pointing to your content the more relevant it will be to Google and the more your site will be well positioned in the search engine results.
Yoast SEO - Plugin to optimize your content
The Yoast SEO plugin was created to optimize the content of a website or blog and leave it well positioned in the search engine results and thus, attract more visitors to your website.
Install the Yoast SEO plugin on your WordPress and optimize the content of your website in an easy, uncomplicated way.
This plugin simplifies the work of content optimization for entrepreneurs who are not experts in the subject.
It is an excellent tool for those who are starting to work on developing a website, as it is very easy and very intuitive.
Conclusion Website Creation
Have you seen how easy and fast it is to create a website without needing the help of an expert? Now you know how to create a website yourself.
Just register a domain, register your hosting and install WordPress and your website will be ready. Only that!
You will realize that you can build a website in five 15 minutes, following these steps that were shown here, in this article.
I recommend Hostgator for you to hire hosting and domain.
Then just access the name of your site .com / cpanel and then go to Software to install WordPress and, from there you will only need to change WordPress to put content and change the appearance of your site.
And, as you saw, you can change the look of your website through free or paid themes.
Of course, free themes have limitations, so if you want you can buy a paid theme, which is much more complete and more beautiful.

You saw that to create a website you need to pay for a domain and hosting so that your website looks professional.
But there is also a free way to create a website , but it is not professional at all.
In particular, I do not recommend this option, but if you want or are unable to afford a good domain and hosting right now, you can do it.
For that, I recommend It is very easy to create, just click on "Free registration". It's very simple.
But he is not a professional, as his website would look like this, for example: "" instead of "", which is the most appropriate, which is a professional brand for a website.
If you don't care about that, that's fine, but I insist that it doesn't look professional.
In addition, everything that is free has restrictions, you cannot complain, ask for support, etc.
You can use this option to get started (if you can't start with a better one, like Hostgator), but it is not recommended for anyone who wants to build a more professional website.
I repeat: You can do it, but it has its limitations, such as the name of the company, which will appear along with the name of your website, they do not offer support, among many other things.
Therefore, the ideal is to hire a paid domain and hosting.
I recommend Hostgator's plans, as they are not expensive, they are very affordable and offer several forms of payments to make it easier for you.
In addition, with Hostgator your company, your brand, your website or blog, etc., will be considered much more professional.
How to Create a Free Website - Step by Step
# 1 - Access the website click on “Free registration”.
# 2 - Check your email to confirm your account;
# 3 - Click on “Create your first website”;
# 4 - Answer the question to say why you want to create a blog and then click on "Next";
# 5 - Type in your website name and password and then click on "Create";
# 6 - After a few seconds a control panel will appear for you to manage your website.

Ready! Your free website is already created. Just click on the icons presented to make all the settings and modifications you want.

I reiterate that it is not advisable to build the entire structure of your business in a free location, because, in addition to not being very reliable, you may have problems with support, page loading, you will have several limitations and you may even lose everything you have built.
So think carefully if it is worth saving and taking big risks.
I advise you to hire a domain and hosting that are reliable, secure, that allow your website to develop, without limitations and with all the necessary support.
The Hostgator is the company that I use in several projects and has responded very well to my needs.
In addition, Hostgator has very cheap plans and its website will be considered much more professional.
What are you waiting for? Start your website through: now!

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