
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

 If Your Sweetheart Doesn't Talk About These 10 Things, Maybe He or She is Dodgy

The mouth is not just for kissing: talking about these matters is fundamental to the success of the relationship.
Let's face it: there is no magic formula for knowing whether the success of the first few months of a relationship will persist for a lifetime, proving that the partner is the "right person" for you.
However, there are some ways to reflect on the future of the relationship, the best of which is the dialogue between the couple. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze whether the person next to you talks about these ten subjects:
1. How does he really feel about you
When your partner is unable to speak his feelings about you, it may suggest that he is not very comfortable with you.
Obviously we shouldn't expect big declarations of eternal love in the first week of a relationship. However, it is necessary to be clear if the other person is also enjoying your company and if there is an emotional involvement so that you can see if you have the same intentions.
2. The plans he or she has for the future
Being open to discussing plans for the future is a sign of commitment and interest in the relationship. Does he think about starting a company? Is she in the mood for a master's degree? Do you think about getting married one day?
If your partner dreams of changing countries, for example, you will have two very different realities if he wants you to go along (and you accept) or if you just don't even exist in this story. So it is critical to know what the other person's plans are for the coming years.
3. The desire to have children or not
You do not need to ask if he has any preferences about the names of the twins on the second date, but in a relationship, it is essential that you both know each other's expectations about future children.
In addition to talking about the desire to have children, how many they will be and when you intend to have them, it is necessary for you to discuss what the roles of each partner will be in relation to care and finances. In addition, where there is a need to adopt a child, the role of each partner in the process.
4. Expectations regarding sex
Physical involvement is essential to a relationship, so you and your partner need to feel completely comfortable talking about your preferences within four walls. When there is a block on this issue, the partner may not be the “right person” - or you just need to open up more.
It is necessary to establish good communication so that both know if the other's needs are being met and can discuss the couple's habits, making it clear what they like or not.
5. The way he or she handles money
Unfortunately, many relationships come to an end due to differences in the way each partner handles money. The financial condition affects personal and social life and also the achievement of goals and dreams, so it is necessary that both have a similar view on this subject.
Therefore, find out what your partner considers to be a stable financial condition and analyze whether you do the same in relation to lifestyle and planning for the use of money.
6. Details about professional life
When we are stressed with work, we don't always want to talk about it in our spare time. However, if the partner never comments on his professional life, this may indicate a distance.
It is not necessary to narrate every moment of the day in the office, but information about new projects, promotions, and staff cuts, among other important matters, is usually present in healthy relationships.
7. The relationship he has with his own family
It is very important to know the relationship your partner has with his parents and siblings, as this will help you to get an idea of what his attitudes are as a member of a family. If he doesn't care much about attending special occasions, for example, it is possible that he will repeat this behavior towards you and future children.
Of course, there are cases in which the removal is justified, but you need to be open to talking about the differences in their creation and attitudes towards their own families.
8. The fears and insecurities he carries
You certainly reveal your weaknesses only to people you trust a lot, and that is no different from your partner. If he can't share his worries and fears with you, it could be a sign of a lack of confidence - which can be caused by either of you being together for a short time or because he really isn't so connected to you.
9. The steps on the ball
Your partner is only human and, like you, is also subject to making some mistakes. The problem is when he is not able to recognize the blunders, nor to apologize sincerely, placing the responsibility for all disagreements on you alone.
The “right person” is not the one who will never go wrong, but the one who is willing to talk about what didn't work, apologize and find a way to overcome this difficulty with you.
10. The previous relationships he had
Bringing up names, photos, memories and all the details of previous relationships is certainly not going to add anything good to you, but the total absence of this subject may indicate that the partner would like to keep something secret.
Talking about what you have learned from previous experiences allows you to understand some attitudes you have today. And it is worth noting: if your partner claims that all ex-girlfriends had the most varied collection of defects, they were more evil than Snow White's stepmother and did not value the “incredible guy” he was, it is quite possible that the next “crazy” in his life is you.
Basically, there is no “right person”, but people who have characteristics that correspond to what you expect from a partner. The differences may exist, as long as they are not absolutely limiting to the couple's future and you are open to talking about them. 

...So, instead of looking for the prince charming, look for someone with whom you can have a sincere understanding of these matters that we have listed above.


Written By: Raquel Praconi Pinzon


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